Sunday, February 26, 2006

Dental Problems

Went to the dentist on Friday due to a toothache. One of my pre-molars has gone wonky and I'll have to go to Bend on Wednesday for a root canal.

The more worrying part was some irregularity of the jawbone on the x-rays. Due to the cancer background I will have to get a copy of those x-rays and forward to the hospital in Germany for evaluation. I can't find any information that sheds much light on the situation, but it would seem unlikely that the TC could have metastasized into the bone while leaving the lungs clear. Of course, I'm a pretty weird guy, so I better have it investigated.

Friday, February 17, 2006

February 2006 Medical Tests

AFP: 3.2
βHCG: 0

Chest X-Ray: All Normal

Everything is fine, I think I'll go back to New Zealand in late March.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

We're Number Two

Darn, Iran beat us again