Red Lion Hotel vs License Plate
If getting a cold while in Austria wasn't bad enough, a construction crew working at AirPark ripped off my front license plate. They must of hit it with some equipment because there is paint missing from a couple of the letters and it was bent in some. They shoved the plate into the front grill and the lower frame bracket was left dangling:

My truck was parked at the Red Lion Hotel Portland Airport which has long term parking, the area I was parked was adjacent to AirPark. The hotel called AirPark and asked them about a license plate on a red F-150 and they know about it.

My truck was parked at the Red Lion Hotel Portland Airport which has long term parking, the area I was parked was adjacent to AirPark. The hotel called AirPark and asked them about a license plate on a red F-150 and they know about it.
I'm going to send Red Lion an invoice for the $13.30 for the new frame and $5.00 for labor and see if they have enough class to pay.
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